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Player authentication

Talo player authentication manages logging players in, registering them and verifying them without needing to provision any of your own infrastructure. More examples can be found in the "AuthenticationDemo" sample included with the Unity package.


To register a player, you can use Talo.PlayerAuth.Register(). At a minimum, you need to provide a username and a password for the player.

If you want the player to be able to verify their logins via email (two factor authentication), you will also need to provide an email and set the verificationEnabled flag to true.

private async void OnRegisterClick()
var username = root.Q<TextField>("username").text;
var password = root.Q<TextField>("password").text;
var enableVerification = root.Q<Toggle>("enable-verification").value;
var email = root.Q<TextField>("email").text;

var validationLabel = root.Q<Label>("validation-label");

if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(username))
validationLabel.text = "Username is required";

if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(password))
validationLabel.text = "Password is required";

validationLabel.text = "";

await Talo.PlayerAuth.Register(username, password, email, enableVerification);
catch (PlayerAuthException e)
validationLabel.text = e.GetErrorCode() switch
PlayerAuthErrorCode.IDENTIFIER_TAKEN => "Username is already taken",
_ => e.Message
catch (Exception e)
validationLabel.text = e.Message;

Once a player is registered, a session will automatically be created for them and they will be logged in.

Logging in

To start a session, call the Talo.PlayerAuth.Login() function with the username and password the player provided.

The Login() function returns a boolean denoting whether or not verification is required. If this function returns true, the player will need to enter the verification code sent to the email they provided.

private async void OnLoginClick()
var username = root.Q<TextField>("username").text;
var password = root.Q<TextField>("password").text;
var validationLabel = root.Q<Label>("validation-label");

if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(username))
validationLabel.text = "Username is required";

if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(password))
validationLabel.text = "Password is required";

validationLabel.text = "";

if (await Talo.PlayerAuth.Login(username, password))
SendMessageUpwards("GoToVerify", SendMessageOptions.RequireReceiver);
catch (PlayerAuthException e)
validationLabel.text = e.GetErrorCode() switch
PlayerAuthErrorCode.INVALID_CREDENTIALS => "Username or password is incorrect",
_ => e.Message
catch (Exception e)
validationLabel.text = e.Message;

Verifying logins

If you need to verify a player's login, you need to call Talo.PlayerAuth.Verify() with the code sent to the player's email:

private async void OnVerifyClick()
var code = root.Q<TextField>("code").text;
var validationLabel = root.Q<Label>("validation-label");

if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(code))
validationLabel.text = "Verification code is required";

validationLabel.text = "";

await Talo.PlayerAuth.Verify(code);
catch (PlayerAuthException e)
validationLabel.text = e.GetErrorCode() switch
PlayerAuthErrorCode.VERIFICATION_CODE_INVALID => "Verification code is incorrect",
_ => e.Message
catch (Exception e)
validationLabel.text = e.Message;

Changing a player's password

To change the logged in player's password, you need to provide their current password and a new password to the Talo.PlayerAuth.ChangePassword() function:

await Talo.PlayerAuth.ChangePassword(currentPassword, newPassword);
catch (PlayerAuthException e)
validationLabel.text = e.GetErrorCode() switch
PlayerAuthErrorCode.INVALID_CREDENTIALS => "Current password is incorrect",
PlayerAuthErrorCode.NEW_PASSWORD_MATCHES_CURRENT_PASSWORD => "New password must be different from the current password",
_ => e.Message
catch (Exception e)
validationLabel.text = e.Message;

Changing a player's email

You can also change a player's email with the Talo.PlayerAuth.ChangeEmail() function - just pass in their current password and a new email.

Forgotten password flow

If a player forgets their password, you can begin the recovery flow by providing their email to the Talo.PlayerAuth.ForgotPassword() function. Players who have not provided an email will not be able to initiate this flow.

If a player with the provided email exists, they'll receive a code that they'll use to set a new password.

To reset a password, pass the code from the email along with a new password to the Talo.PlayerAuth.ResetPassword() function:

await Talo.PlayerAuth.ResetPassword(code, newPassword);
catch (PlayerAuthException e)
validationLabel.text = e.GetErrorCode() switch
PlayerAuthErrorCode.PASSWORD_RESET_CODE_INVALID => "Reset code is invalid",
_ => e.Message
catch (Exception e)
validationLabel.text = e.Message;

Toggling verification

To toggle verification on and off, you can call the Talo.PlayerAuth.ToggleVerification. You'll need to provide the player's current password.

If you're enabling verification and the player doesn't already have an email address set, you will need to provide one as the third parameter of the function call. By providing an email address for a player that already has one set, you will overwrite the existing email address with the newly provided email address.

Deleting accounts

Player accounts can be deleted using Talo.PlayerAuth.DeleteAccount. You'll need to provide the player's current password. When an account is successfully deleted several things will happen internally:

  1. The alias will be anonymised. We'll go into more detail about this below.
  2. The current alias will be set to null.
  3. The auth session will be cleared.

You'll need to handle these things by, for example, navigating back to a "Login" screen.

Anonymised aliases

In order to preserve player data but allow players to delete aliases, the aliases must be anonymised. Anonymised aliases have their identifier scrubbed and are not displayed in the Talo dashboard or returned by any API.

Exceptions and error codes

As shown in the examples above, whenever a request fails with an authentication-related error, a PlayerAuthException will be thrown.

The exception provides a GetErrorCode() function that returns a matching PlayerAuthErrorCode enum value for the error response.

You can view all the authentication errors and their descriptions here.