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Identifying a player


Players within your Talo account can have multiple aliases. For example, a player could have a Steam login and an Epic login but both would be tied to the same player and they could use both to login.

You should identify a player after they have authenticated and before you attempt to track any events, add leaderboard entries or do anything related directly to the player.


You can identify a player using Talo.Players.Identify(). The code sample below shows you how you could identify a player using a UI element (this example is also available in the Playground):

using TaloGameServices;

public class IdentifyPlayer: MonoBehaviour
public string service = 'steam', identifier = '123456';

public void OnButtonClick()

private async void Identify()
await Talo.Players.Identify(service, identifier);
} catch (Exeception err)

OnIdentified event

After a successful identification, the Talo.Players.OnIdentified() event will fire, returning the identified player. This allows you to, for example, immediately fetch that player's saves:

Talo.Players.OnIdentified += async (player) =>
await Talo.Saves.GetSaves();

Checking identification

Sometimes you might need to check if a player has been identified before. You can use Talo.IdentityCheck() to verify this - it throws an error if a player hasn't been identified yet:

public void DoStuffIfIdentified()
} catch (Exception err)

// do stuff

Merging players

As described above, sometimes a player may have one or more aliases and there are times where you know for certain some aliases belong to the same players. You can merge players using Talo.Players.Merge() by proiding the IDs of both players.

Merge will take all the props, aliases and associated data (events, leaderboard entries, saves, etc.) from Player 2 and merge them into Player 1. This means that duplicate props in Player 1 will be replaced by the ones from Player 2.