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Import into Unity


Talo takes advantage of features from C# 9.0+. If you receive compilation errors after installing the package, you may need to make some configuration changes in your Unity project. For more info, check out this article.

Open the Package Manager (under the Window tab) in Unity. Click the + dropdown, Add package from git URL… and enter the following path:


You can install any version (found on the releases page) by adding #version to the git URL, e.g.

This will add the latest stable release to your project. If you want to update your package, simply repeat the process.

Downloading from

You can download the latest version of the Unity package from our page.

Once downloaded, open the Package Manager (under the Window tab) in Unity. Click the + dropdown, Add package from tarball… and select the .tgz file you downloaded earlier.

Generate an access key

Visit the Talo dashboard, login or create an account (and confirm your email address), and visit the Access Keys page.

Choose the scopes available to your access key (you'll need the read:players and write:players scope to use the package) and create your access key. Save your access key somewhere securely.

Create a Talo asset

Once the package has been imported, right-click in your Resources folder, click Create > Talo > Settings Asset. Paste your newly-created access key into the access key field and you're ready to go.


Your settings asset must always be at the top-level in the Resources folder and named Talo Settings.


If you're self-hosting Talo, you can configure your custom endpoint here in the Settings Asset.