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Live config

Live config lets you push state directly to your game from the Talo dashboard without needing to release an update.


Check out this blog post on how to release Unity game updates without new builds for a detailed walkthrough

Getting the live config

The live config needs to be fetched before it can be queried. To do this call Talo.GameConfig.Get(). This will invoke the Talo.GameConfig.OnLiveConfigLoaded() event that returns the newly initialised config.

You can fetch the game config any time to refresh the state.

Querying the live config

You can query properties of the config using Talo.LiveConfig.GetProp<T>(), for example if you wanted to get a boolean value:

var halloweenEventEnabled = Talo.LiveConfig.GetProp<bool>("halloweenEventEnabled");

Or a number:

var maxLevel = Talo.LiveConfig.GetProp<int>("maxLevel");

This function also has a second argument which is the default value to return if the property is not found.

Listening for live config updates

You can listen for live config updates by connecting to the Talo.GameConfig.OnLiveConfigUpdated event:

void Start()
var textUI = GetComponent<TextMeshProUGUI>();

Talo.GameConfig.OnLiveConfigUpdated += (liveConfig) =>
textUI.text = liveConfig.GetProp("liveString", "Not set!");

The OnLiveConfigUpdated event is fired via the Talo Socket whenever the live config is updated from the Talo dashboard.

Alternative example - polling the live config with a timer

If you prefer not to use the Talo Socket, you can attach this example script to a TextMeshPro GameObject to update the text value every 2 seconds:

using UnityEngine;
using TaloGameServices;
using TMPro;

public class TextLoader : MonoBehaviour
void Start()
var textUI = GetComponent<TextMeshProUGUI>();

Talo.GameConfig.OnLiveConfigLoaded += (liveConfig) =>
textUI.text = liveConfig.GetProp("liveString", "Not set!");

InvokeRepeating("GetConfig", 0f, 2f);

async void GetConfig()
await Talo.GameConfig.Get();