Talo Socket
The Talo Socket is the underlying server that powers services like channels and handles connections, messages and events.
You can learn more about how the socket works here.
Ideally you should never need to use the socket directly because individual services like players and channels should send the correct data on your behalf. However, the Talo Socket exposes a few public methods and signals for custom logic like handling errors and re-connecting to the server if the connection is closed.
The socket connection is automatically established (this can disabled by setting auto_connect_socket
to false
in your config). When a player gets identified, they also get automatically identified with the socket server.
Obtaining a socket ticket
To connect to the socket server, you need to obtain a socket ticket. This is done by calling Talo.socket_tickets.create_ticket()
. Opening a socket connection using Talo.socket.open_connection()
will automatically obtain a ticket and pass it as a query parameter to the socket URL.
Receiving messages
The message_received
signal provides you with a response and payload. For example, if you were building a chat system, you would connect a function similar to the one below to listen for new chat messages:
func _ready() -> void:
func _on_message_received(res: String, data: Dictionary) -> void:
if res == "v1.channels.message":
if data.channel.id == _active_channel_id:
var alias := TaloPlayerAlias.new(data.playerAlias)
_add_chat_message("[%s] %s: %s" % [data.channel.name, alias.identifier, data.message])
Sending messages
Generally, sending messages is handled by functions in services like Talo.channels.send_message()
where the correct data is prepared and sent for you. You can also use the Talo.socket.send(req, data)
function to send your own requests:
func send_message(channel_id: int, message: String) -> void:
if Talo.identity_check() != OK:
Talo.socket.send("v1.channels.message", {
channel = {
id = channel_id
message = message
Handling connection closures
The socket server can disconnect for a number of reasons such as the player going offline or being rate limited. The socket will emit a connection_closed
signal with a status code and reason.
The recommended way of re-establishing a connection is calling Talo.socket.open_connection()
and then re-identifying your player. This is the same logic that gets used internally when your game opens.
Closing the connection
You can choose to manually end the socket connection using Talo.socket.close_connection(status_code, reason)
Error handling
The Talo Socket exposes an error_received
signal that is emitted when a v1.error
response is received. You can check the error code (using the TaloSocketError.ErrorCode
enum), message and original request through the TaloSocketError
object that is sent with the signal:
func (err: TaloSocketError):
print("%s %s %s %s" % [err.req, err.code, err.message, err.cause])
match err.code:
print("Player not identified yet!")
print("Rate limited!")