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Talo feedback lets you easily gather and categorise player feedback.

To create a feedback category, head over to the dashboard, visit the feedback page and click "Edit categories". Take note of the Internal name of the category you create as this is how you'll be referring to it inside your game.

Getting available categories

To list all the available categories for your game, use the Feedback API get_categories() function:
extends Button

func _on_pressed() -> void:
var categories := await

if categories.size() == 0:
print("No categories found. Create some in the Talo dashboard!")
var mapped := (c): return c.internal_name)
print("Category internal names: " + ", ".join(mapped)) # prints: "bugs, gameplay-feedback, terrain-issues"

Sending feedback

Once you have your available categories and their internal_names, you can simply call the send() function with the player's comment and your chosen category's internal name:
extends Button

@export var internal_name: String
@export var feedback_comment: String

func _on_pressed() -> void:
await, feedback_comment)
print("Feedback sent for %s: %s" % [internal_name, feedback_comment])

You can attach additional metadata (player props, game state, etc.) to feedback by appending it to the feedback_comment string before calling send().