Player API
Talo provides a powerful and secure authentication system out of the box. You can use Talo to authenticate players using their email, username, or any other identifier you choose.
Players can have any number of arbitrary properties that will persist between game sessions and all of their identities. You can use these, for example, to store a player's current health or level.
Learn more about player management here.
Identify a player
Key | Required | Description |
x-talo-session | ❌ No | The session token (required if using Talo player authentication) |
Query keys
Key | Required | Description |
identifier | ✅ Yes | The unique identifier of the player. This can be their username, an email or a numeric ID |
service | ✅ Yes | The name of the service where the identity of the player comes from (e.g. "steam", "epic" or "username") |
Sample response
{ ... }
Steam authentication with identity (identifier format is <identity>:<ticket>)
{ ... }
Steam authentication without identity
{ ... }
Find a player
Route params
Key | Required | Description |
id | ✅ Yes | The ID of the player |
Sample response
{ ... }
Merge two players
Body keys
Key | Required | Description |
playerId1 | ✅ Yes | The first player ID - the second player will be merged into this player |
playerId2 | ✅ Yes | The second player ID |
Sample request
{ ... }
Sample response
{ ... }
Update a player's props
Route params
Key | Required | Description |
id | ✅ Yes | The ID of the player |
Body keys
Key | Required | Description |
props | ❌ No | An array of Props. Props that the player doesn't have will be added. Props with updated values will overwrite existing props. Props with a null value will be deleted from the player |
Sample request
{ ... }
Sample response
{ ... }
type Prop = {
key: string
value: string | null